Can You Tell The Difference Between A Prison Lunch...And A School Lunch?


One thing that both prisons and schools across the country have in common is that they need to feed their captives during the day. As it turns out, feeding people en mass can be a challenge. And making that mass-produced food appetizing? That”s even more challenging.

Each of these lunches were either served in a prison or a school…and you won”t believe which is which.

School Lunch

Prison Lunch

School Lunch

School Lunch

School Lunch

Prison Lunch

Prison Lunch

School Lunch

School Lunch

Prison Lunch

Prison Lunch

Prison Lunch

Prison Lunch

Prison Lunch

Prison Lunch

As it turns out, we treat most of our school children like prison inmates (or maybe it”s the other way around). If I were these kids, I”d start taking brown bag lunches to school!